Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another Tag...I'm It!!!!

1. What is your biggest language pet peeve?
Double Negatives...you know, "You don't got no..." or "You don't do nothing." That gets on my LAST nerve!!!!
2. What are you wearing right now?
Black workout pants, a black tank and flip flops...Yoga attire!
3. If we were to look in your shower or tub right now, what would we see?
Razor, Trader Joe's Grapefruit Sea Scrub, shampoo and conditioner and body wash
4. If you could go back and change one thing what would it be?
I would have gone to college right out of High School
5. Name of your 4th grade teacher?
My mom...I was home schooled that year, she was fabulous!!!!
6. What was the last thing you drank?
Wheat Grass Juice shot....that was before I had glass of Chardonnay at 11:45 PM!!!!!
7. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A Charger Girl...yep, that's right...I aim High!
8. How many colleges did you attend?
I went to Bible College for a year (that wasn't really like "college" but whatever) and I have gone to JC off and on and am now making the commitment....never too old, right??? :-)
9. What's something strange about you?
What is strange about me.....hhhhmmmm......I don't believe in psychics but.... I have strong (and hardly ever wrong) premonitions about people I care deeply about....either listen to me or don't. It's your bet! LOL!
10. Something that the opposite sex wears that is sexy to you?
Surf Trunks or a wetsuit :-)
11. Last book you read?
Women Who Run Wild With the Wolves
12. What errand/chore do you despise?
13. Get up early or sleep in?
Sleep in!
14. Who was your favorite cartoon character on TV as a kid?
Smurfette (is that how you spell it???)
15. Three perfumes you wear?
If the sun is shining- Pink from the gap. It is all grapefruity and fun. On a date night Black by Kenneth Cole and my new favorite is the new Juicy Couture!
16. Your favorite lunch meat?
Not a big lunch meat person with all the nitrates and chemicals so I love Hummus, Cucumbers, tomatoes, and sprouts! Yummy!
17. Describe Hell in seven words?
Life ..Without.. Truth..Eternal..Darkness..Regret..Thirst...
18. Beach or lake?
BEACH! Sorry but there is no way you can compare the power of the ocean against a lake....
19. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual?
20. What is your drink of choice when you're at a bar?
Lemon Drop! I love licking the sugar off the rim of the glass!
21. Name one famous person would you like to have dinner with?
22. Three pets and their names you had growing up?
Missy-a giant St. Bernard when I was very little, Tramp- a hyperactive golden retriever, and Bear- a fabulous black lab...Miss them!
23. What do you usually order at Starbucks?
Skinny Vanilla Latte, no foam
24. Something you could eat once a week and never get tired of it?
Brie Cheese or Goat Cheese and a French Baguette!!!
25. Do you speak any other languages?
I am in the process of learning Spanish. I can understand most of it but I need some help speaking it. Then I want to learn Italian!!!
26. Four words that describe the person you like/love?
Strong, Independent, Hilarious, and Stubborn
27. What are you listening to right now?
Warm Whispers, Missy Higgins
28. When you travel on a plane what are your essentials?
Water, a book, Ipod, Xanax and a cocktail as soon as I sit down!
29. What do you do when you're nervous?
Bite my lip
30. Chocolate is:
equal to a marijuana high....at least that's what they say.....
31. I will always remember:
When Xavier kissed me for the first time!
32. The proudest moment in my life:
Becoming a mom
33. What's one thing you worry about a lot?
People not being happy with me, or letting people down. It's a bad habit!
34. Something this year that you're looking forward to?
Going to Puerto Rico and setting sail on a 7 night 7 island cruise with my two best girlfriends and a group of other friends that I can't wait to get to know!!!!
35. Is there anyone (opposite sex) who truly loves you unconditionally?
My husband
36. What's your goal in the next couple of months?
To keep myself at the top of the list (If mama ain't happy, nobody is happy!)
37. Favorite kind of cookie?
Chocolate dipped Macaroon!
38. Three things that are a total turn off?
A negative attitude, unkindness, prejudice, and laziness ( I know that four but oh, well)
39. Finish this sentence. Don't confuse:
joy with happiness!
40. What game are you really good at?
Well, first off NOT Pathwords! Right??? LOL! I would have to say I am good at Cranium...I kick ass at that game! :-)


Anonymous said...

#6-wheat grass is nasty shit.
#18-the lake has it's own powerful elements, but I have to agree with you
#20-I know that you KNOW that's not true
Very cool insight into an Amber.
Have a great day girlie!

Anonymous said...

I think Lisa meant number 30 and not number 20. But I ain't got no clue.

Shop Girl said...

Wheat grass IS nasty shit. :) Loved learning about you. :)