Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 2 (can't really come up with anything clever)

I am not in the mood to write and it's only day two of my goal. It's late and I am a little tired.
I just got back from Barnes and Noble, my favorite place on earth, and picked up a raw food cookbook and another book called Green for Life.
Today I didn't eat anything cooked and juiced twice. I took the Barley Grass powder 3 times just like it said to do and I didn't have any unpleasant symptoms. I think I am getting used to this. I am not hungry very much, but when I am I feel a weird power over my hunger. It is like my body is telling me that it needs something and I am the one that is in control this time not my hunger. I feel 1000% more will power than I had just one week ago!
I am looking forward to reading through the cookbook and finding out how to cook and eat this way long term. Right now I am just eating nuts, fruit, plain veggies and juice, that can't satisfy me long term for sure!
The thing I am having a hard time with is remembering to drink water. I don't think I am drinking enough. Maybe that is because I what I am eating has so much water in it. I am pretty sure that I still need to be drinking more water.
Other than that it's all going pretty well. I am just tired for now, so goodnight!

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