My goal is to write in this blog for thirty days without missing one single day. No matter how short or long I will have something to say for thirty days. So here we go!
My newest venture is giving up meat, all processed food, white and refined sugar, dairy (even my beloved Brie and Goat Cheese), alcohol, and almost all things cooked.
I had a liver panel done and my liver enzymes were a little high and that really gave me a wake up call! I new I needed to lose some much earned weight, but I had no idea that my liver was even the slightest bit affected. I took that very seriously and researched everything I could about the liver and what affects it and found out that being over weight, eating in the way of the Standard American Diet otherwise known as SAD, taking even medications like ibuprofen, and drinking quite a bit of alcohol has a profound impact on your liver. Most of this I knew but thought, "Oh, it can't happen to me. I am not an unhealthy person."
Well, it was starting to happen to me and I am not having it! I am not going to become the person I was already starting to become! Does that make sense?
So, I busted out my Jack Lalanne Juicer and ran down to my local health food store and bought organic beets, carrots, spinach, kale, cucumbers, apples, and grapes to juice. I also bought some artichoke pills and a liver detox tea, I rarely do things half way!
I started juicing on Friday. It is now Wednesday and after a couple days of headaches and some unpleasant symptoms I feel really good! My food cravings are all but gone! It has almost been too easy. I expected this to be way more difficult than it has been. Maybe, it is just because I am really ready to make a change and my body is thanking me for being kind to it after these last four years I have not been treating it very well!
I am eating a bunch of organic fruit in the morning for breakfast, but before I do that I mix up this Barley grass powder in 6 ounces of water and down it. I didn't think I was going to be able to do that but it looks worse than it tastes! If you like green tea you can drink this! It is very earthy tasting and has no aftertaste whatsoever! I was pleasantly surprised! This Barley Grass juice is very alkalizing and has amazing effects on everything inside your body. I also juice a lot of veggies which once again, I have never been able to stomach, but now I really enjoy the taste! I don't know what happened but I am very happy I can do it and enjoy it!
What I have noticed so far, and remember I have only been doing this for 5 days, I have lost over 5 lbs, I have more mental clarity, my eyes are brighter, I am not as hungry, my food cravings are gone, and the best is how I feel so much more positive or optimistic. Maybe I feel less stressed out and a lot more balanced.
I still struggle with energy in the morning and a few times during the day. I know I am still detoxing and it will take a while to reap the full benefits.
So the plan is to eat 85% raw and 15% cooked food. If it is alive it is good. If it is dead or could walk, it is a no no. That is the plan and we will see what happens down the road. I am just looking forward to feeling like my old self and looking like my old self too! :-)
Well, there you go. Day one of writing for thirty days straight. YEY me!!!
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