Last year we had a countdown going until the premier of HSM2, for those of you that do not have pre-teen daughters that is High School Musical 2. We had a very big (expensive) party with decorations to the hilt! We had about 35 girls that erupted in screams after they all completed the 10 second countdown and then didn't make a sound until the end of the movie. 

Well, the time has come again! HSM3, EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!! We bought our tickets online we run no risk of it being sold out and we downloaded the soundtrack so we can listen to it on the way there and the way home. I am just grateful that this will be less expensive than having some giant party at my house and then have to clean up a giant mess! So here we go, in our pajamas by the way. The girls convinced me that it would be more fun if we were wearing pajamas. Hhhmmm....don't know about that, but okay!
I just talked to my friend that got home from Paris and there were High School Musical 3 posters in the airport there! That made me laugh! :-)

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